Admission to the first level of IEA, Pre-matriculation, requires a master’s degree, 100 hours of personal treatment, and an admissions interview. Individuals with substantial prior training may apply for admission with advanced standing. The Institute does not give credit for single courses taken elsewhere.
All new candidates begin as non-matriculated students, and after successful completion of 3 entry level required courses are eligible to apply for matriculation as entry level students.
The Current Course Catalogue is available for download from the sidebar on the left.
For information about admission to IEA, please email:
For all other inquiries, please call:
The IEA Brochure is available here, containing detailed information about admissions and training. (*We do our best to update it with any changes, but always check with admissions chair and Dean of Training about possible additional updates to this document.)
Training at the Institute consists of coursework, psychoanalytic work with patients, supervision of work with patients, and personal analysis. In addition, students will be mentored throughout the training process meeting with fellow students in small groups at least three times each year.
There are three successive levels of training: Pre-matriculation, Entrance Level, and the Advanced Level. Once you have completed the three required courses on the Pre-matriculation level, you will consult with the Dean of Training to determine if matriculation to the Entrance Level is appropriate. Track I and II students may begin seeing patients after successful completion of four courses and approval of the Dean of Training and the Director of the Consultation Center. Tuition payment begins for Track II students when they begin seeing patients.
Upon completion of the Entrance Level, and before continuing to the Advanced Level, students meet with a two-person committee to discuss progress.
The program is divided up into four quarters of eight week courses, beginning in September and ending late May/early June. IEA courses are usually given on Monday evenings, scheduled so that students can attend two courses per evening – 6:30-8:00 PM and 8:30-10:00 PM. Some classes are offered on weekends.
There are 40 required courses: 17 Entrance Level Courses, 16 Advanced Level Courses, three electives, and two credits for final paper.
Course # | Entry Level Courses | Years:
Odd/Even |
R101 | Psychoanalytic Theory of Human Development I | E |
R102 | Psychoanalytic Theory of Human Development II | E |
R103 | Psychopathology I: Non-Neurotic Defenses in Non-Psychotic Patients | O |
R104 | Psychopathology II: Psychosis | E |
R105 | Dream Analysis I | E |
R106 | Basic Clinical Concepts I | O |
R107 | Basic Clinical Concepts II | O |
R108 | Case Seminar I | E |
R109 | Case Seminar II | O |
R110 | Object Relations I: English School | E |
R111 | Object Relations II: American School | E |
R113 | Freud I | O |
R114 | Freud II | O |
R115 | Symbolization and Creativity | O |
R116 | Nonverbal Communication Within the Context of a Therapeutic Dialogue (taken twice) | E |
R117 | Diagnosis & the Individual | O |
R118 | Jungian Analytic Theory: Therapeutic Applications | E |
Course # | Advanced Courses | Years:
Odd/Even |
R201 | Infant Research and Adult Treatment | O |
R202 | Gender and Sexuality | E |
R203 | Transference and Countertransference I | O |
R204 | Transference and Countertransference II | E |
R205 | The Therapeutic Alliance (Renamed from “Resistance”) | O |
R207 | Continuous Case Seminar | E |
R208 | Narcissism (Renamed from Narcissism and Self Psychology) | O |
R209 | Reading Course in Winnicott | E |
R210 | Nonverbal Communication Within the Context of a Therapeutic Dialogue (taken twice) | E |
R211 | Case Presentation Seminar | E |
R213 | Trauma | O |
R214 | Research and Ethics | O |
R215 | Reading Course in Another Major Theorist (One is required, others may be taken as elective) | E |
R216 | Dream Analysis II | O |
R 217 | Contemporary Perspectives I: Relational Theories | E |
R 218 | Contemporary Perspectives II: Ongoing Evolution of Psychoanalytic Theories | O |
R300 | Identification and Reporting of Childhood Abuse and Neglect [does not count toward IEA credits] | |
401 |
Final Case Research Paper
[charged as two courses] |
+ 3 Electives (offerings vary from year to year)
Past electives included: Integrating Expressive Therapies with Psychoanalysis, Neurobiology, Sado-Masochism, Alchemy, Object Relations and Spirituality, Poetics and Countertransference, Culture in the Psychoanalytic Space, Addiction, History of Psychoanalysis, Working with Couples, Eigen, Klein, Winnicott, Bion. |